“In my clinical work, both my patients and I have greatly benefited from this tool. It has enhanced the accuracy of therapy, increased efficiency, and enabled genuine patient involvement.”

Behandler, Helse Midt Norge TSB (Interdisciplinary Specialized Treatment for Substance Abuse).


A dynamic feedback tool that actively involves the patient throughout the entire process by considering the “whole person.”
  • What are the patient’s main challenges?
  • What are the patient’s goals?
  • Does the patient feel that the treatment is helping in the areas that matter most?

Enhancing Innovation, Competence, Quality, and Patient Safety

  • Improves quality by ensuring that both patient and practitioner share common goals.
  • Early identification of needs and adjustment of treatment according to the patient’s main challenges.
  • Automated data collection reduces the need for passive data gathering and documentation for the practitioner.

Sustainable and Fair Resource Use

Norse Feedback facilitates efficient patient journeys by continuously receiving feedback and adjusting treatment according to its effectiveness.